Hope Dealers


For the past several years we have been participating in work that is connected to Lodge Grass, Ashbatcheetche, Valley of the Chiefs, in beautiful Crow Country. What began as a bunch of “what ifs” has now become tangible evidence of the power of hope embedded in a group of resilient and passionate dreamers AND doers! The list of miracles is long; Over 4 million dollar debt forgiven (and rightfully so!), A strong and faith-filled leader becoming mayor as a WRITE IN, impossible odds of receiving the first grant to kick off the movement that has led us to now, projected date of completion of a Family Healing Center!, United State Department of Agriculture grant to build a state of the art Business Incubator within the City of Lodge Grass, the dream of a cultural revitalization becoming a reality through a Restorative Justice project that will kick off in less than a month, approved 501c3 non-profit status, and much, much more. However, the miracle that I most want to honor is that hope has always been alive in the midst of loss. The miracle that this community has always able to see the light, even if others believed that it was lost. The miracle of families that are healed and holding their peaceful ground right in the middle of the city! The miracle of a grandma’s (Kaala’s) heart that will always, never ceasing, pray her children into safety. The miracles that community members will stop at nothing to bring back home all Crow Children to be connected into a family, their family.

Couldn’t we all be a hope dealers?

I think so.

I’ll write more as time goes on…but for now, please for now check out our newly developed website! And please ask questions and reach out as your heart tells you!

Your Fellow Hope Dealer,

Emerald Parisi